Sunday, September 11, 2011

Precious Heart!!!

Before bedtime tonight, Bryson lead us in prayer. Our routine is whoever's night it is, the others repeat it : ) Here is what my sweet angel said: "Dear God, thank you for our hearts, for our mouths, for our nose, and for our eye balls and what's these Mommy (as he pointed to his eyebrows ; ) Thank you for Mommy, and Daddy, and Brayden, and Audrey. Thank you for Nana, and Papa, and Boone. and Tuff. Thank you for Sissy and Uncle Key. Thank you for Eli, and Sawyer, and Sawyer's Mommy, and puppies, and kitty cats. Thank you for Jordan, and Grandma. Thank you for Razorbacks, and Optimus, and Bumble Bee. Forgive us of our sins. I love you Jesus. AMEN. I have no doubt this little guys heart is filled with love for the Lord. Nothing makes my heart happier!


ratzlaffa said...

LUV him:)) Good JOb on teaching him ALL that he knows!! Amazing!! LUV you guys:))

Paula said...

I love his prayer! Priceless.