Thursday, September 29, 2011

Open House at JSE

Brayden wanted to draw Mrs. Philpott a picture of him and her playing together on the playground. She loved it!

Brayden was so excited to show us the library! He loves to read!

This is Mr. Lewis, Brayden's principal.

Tonight was open house at Brayden's school. He was excited to show us the different learning stations in his classroom, where he sits, and even the bathroon ; ) Mrs. Philpott gave him a good report academically and behavior wise, I was so proud of him! We then toured the library and his GT classroom or "thinking room" as he calls it. I was so proud of him when his P.E. teacher approached me and said Brayden was a very well behaved young man : ) My little man is growing up!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Work Brayden!!!

I am so very proud of how well Brayden is doing academically in school. We are only nine weeks in and already he can write/recognize all upper and lower case of the alphabet and their sounds. He can recognize, SPELL AND READ all colors. He can count, recognize, and write to 199. He knows all the days of the week. He can read at least 25 site words, not counting his colors. His coloring and drawing has improved LEAPS AND BOUNDS since the beginning of summer. The first drawing on this post is my favorite. The assignment was to draw your family. It made my heart happy that he used bright colors and that everyone is smiling : ) The teacher was impressed with his use of color, such as green for grass and blue for sky. I couldn't ask for more academically out of Brayden! Now if we could just get his listening skills up a knotch or two ; )

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun Family Weekend!

The boys and I just got back in town from a fun weekend at Sissy's! Uncle Keith was in and we were all missing him! Sissy always makes us feel at home and her Southern cooking is GREAT!!! : ) She had homemade vegetable beef soup and cornbread waiting on us when we got there. YUMMY! Saturday I got to sleep in and woke up to the BEST homemade biscuits and gravy with bacon. I'm so glad she doesn't spoil us ; ) After breakfast we went to get supplies for the fun Fall display for Sissy's yard. I LOVE Fall, especially decorating for it!! The boys even got to decorate pick out their own pumpkins and decorate them. My highlight was teaching my son how to throw a football in a spiral. HE IS AWESOME and caught on so quickly!!!! Coach Petrino......he'll be ready to wear that Hog jersey with PRIDE!! I also worked on spiraling his kicks, but that's a work in progress ; ) If the Hogs could have pulled off a win, it would have been icing on a perfect day! We headed back to Conway early today. I had every intention of going to church (we never like missing), but the boys reminded me it was last day of Lion King in the theaters. Disney has it in the vault on dvd, and the boys lost theirs a long time ago. They were SO EXCITED when I told them we were going to see it. This weekend was a great reminder of how much I have to be thankful for! Thanks Sissy for a great weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Faulkner County Fair Parade

Tuesday was a fun filled day for us. After I picked the boys up from school, we met some friends at Toad Suck park for a playdate. Then we went to the Faulkner County Fair parade in downtown Conway. I was told it was one of the biggest parades in Arkansas. The boys had so much fun!! We are SO PROUD of Jim Stone Elementary (Brayden's school) for winning first place for their float for the third year in a row. Way to go JSE Stallions!!! After the parade we headed to church for my bible study. Needless to say, the boys CRASHED when we got home!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Counting My Blessings!!

What a BUSY, BUT GREAT weekend we have had!! I attended the Women's Conference 2011 put on by NLC in Little Rock on Friday and Saturday. The speakers and material were great and really helped me see things I was struggling with in a new perspective. I also got to have some much needed girl time, thanks Kristi and Mary!!! My parents came up to spend time with the boys. I'm so thankful for them : ) It does the boys good to be with someone other than Mommy every now and then. Saturday night the boys and I went to church. We are in the Big Screen series and the movie was cute : ) Today was a rainy Sunday, perfect for some family time. We slept in (a very rare thing for us) and spent the day together cleaning house, coloring pictures (thanks Nana for the new coloring books), playing Ironman and Power Rangers, working on Brayden's homework, and getting ready for our busy week. It's AMAZING to me that when you are seeking God's plan for you, he opens all kinds of doors. The Lord showed me this weekend how very blessed I am. Brayden, Bryson, and I are a family, and there is no where I would rather be than with them. I love you sweet boys! It isn't always about being exactly where you should be in life, as long as you are on the right's about NOT being where you shouldn't be. I have no doubt that being the best Mom I can be to these two precious gifts is exactly where I should be. What a great day to celebrate the Lord!

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yay Jim Stone!!!!

Four AR Schools Named Natl. Blue Ribbon Schools
If you click on the link above you can read about what an honor it is for a school to be named a National Blue Ribbon School. I'm so proud my son attends Jim Stone Elementary! Thank you teachers and faculty for all your hard work, nurturing, dedication and support for our babies!

Look what I found.....

On our Target trip tonight, both the boys found something they wanted to buy with their "walking around cash" as Pawpaw puts it. They were matching Spiderman gloves. Usually when we get home, Brayden opens his door to get out and Bryson follows. Bryson never came out of the door. I went back to the car and this is how I found him, lol. I love this baby boy's imagination. Those gloves made him feel like the real deal ; ) Boys are so fun!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Precious Heart!!!

Before bedtime tonight, Bryson lead us in prayer. Our routine is whoever's night it is, the others repeat it : ) Here is what my sweet angel said: "Dear God, thank you for our hearts, for our mouths, for our nose, and for our eye balls and what's these Mommy (as he pointed to his eyebrows ; ) Thank you for Mommy, and Daddy, and Brayden, and Audrey. Thank you for Nana, and Papa, and Boone. and Tuff. Thank you for Sissy and Uncle Key. Thank you for Eli, and Sawyer, and Sawyer's Mommy, and puppies, and kitty cats. Thank you for Jordan, and Grandma. Thank you for Razorbacks, and Optimus, and Bumble Bee. Forgive us of our sins. I love you Jesus. AMEN. I have no doubt this little guys heart is filled with love for the Lord. Nothing makes my heart happier!

Sunday.....Fun Times!!!

We had a great day with the Eberhard family. Alicia and I were talking about how well our boys get along. Our oldest two have similar personalities and our youngest two have similar personalities. It's so cute...Bryson woke up today saying "Sawyer is my bestest friend, can I see him today"......awww!! I couldn't resist! Although exhausting, it makes for fun playdates. We started our day out at Laurel park. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning!! Alicia treated us to a yummy Mexican lunch, such a thoughtful friend! After naps we went to Gatlin park to ride on the bike trail and play at the playgroud. I'm not sure if Brayden spent more time disassembling his bike or riding, but either way he had a blast ; ) I had two DIRTY little boys when we got home, lol. After much needed baths and a yummy dinner, they were OUT by 8:30 ; ) I love Sundays with my babies, makes this life a little sweeter!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Brayden!!!

What a perfect night for a pool party. I can not believe I have a six year old!!! I am so glad today was such a great day for Brayden! We celebrated by having a pool party at our friend Alicia's parents house. It was so generous of them to open their home to us. Brayden was so excited to have his closest friends to share this special day with. He was super excited to have his best friend Audrey there. Today is her parents 10 year wedding anniversary and they chose to spend it with us, that means so much. Happy Anniversary Cowger's!!! I am so proud of my big six year old boy and all his accomplishments. Thank you all for the love you have shown him, we are truely blessed!