First let me start by saying this is far from my happiest post. Unfortunately I haven't known really what to say for the past eight months. Life has went on, but it seems like a blur. My world has been turned upside down. Six months ago I was under the impression that I was in a happy marriage and we had been actively trying for over a year to add to our family. Since then, Jimmy has decided to quit our family and himself as far as I'm concerned. I don't really want to share all the details, but just imagine a Jerry Springer type Soap Opera and that would pretty much sum it up. There has been several events in my boys lives such as Brayden's Pre-K graduation, his T.O.T performance, Tball, Safety Town, Bryson's birthday, and so much more. I know I could have posted about these events, but it just felt like the shadow of this nasty divorce darkened the mood of what was supposed to be joyous occasions. I know I am a stronger person today than I was six months ago, but it's still a world away from where I know I need to be. My two baby boys are still very much heartbroken and confused, as am I. I wish with every fiber in my being that I could take that pain away from them. I'm not sure where we will be a year from now. Actually, I'm not sure where we will be three months from now. All I do know is that I appreciate all the kind words, love, support, and prayers that our family and friends have shown to my boys and I during this extremely difficult and trying time. I'm not quite sure how to do this journey of life being single, but I know God will be there for me every step of the way. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

That was beautifully written! I have prayed for you and will continue to do so. I can't imagine what you are going through but think you are doing amazingly well! You are a great Momma!
You and your sweet boys are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will have dark days/moments, but just try to stay forcused on the positive when you can;-) You will get through this...BIG HUG.
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