Friday was a very busy day for the Keirsey family. We had Bryson's Christmas party at school and their preschool Christmas program "Jesus is My Bestest Friend" that night. Nana and Papa surprised the boys by coming to see their program. Neither of them knew they were there until they were entering the stage. I don't think either of them ever took their eyes off them. Bryson was on stage yelling "Nana.....Nana....." it was SO CUTE!!! Brayden was a shepard and Bryson was a sheep. All the kids did great and stole the hearts of all who were watching! I had family pictures taken with Jimmy and I in them, but along with several of the pictures taken they were too blurry to see. Santa......Momma needs a new camera ; )
Bryson's Christmas party was a Huge Disappointment. There was no crafts, no games, no decorations.....just cupcakes (blue and yellow.....not even Christmas colors) and a drink. I was the only Mom there, but now I see why. I have never missed Brayden's old preschool more in my life, not just for the amazing parties either. I just feel like my kids are missing out on so much by not being there......but I guess it isn't logical to make a four hour commute for preschool : ( I am homesick.
1 comment:
What a great surprise for the boys! They look adorable! Sorry you are homesick. :(
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