Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mrs. Lori's Art Class

After church today I was looking on facebook and was SO EXCITED to see that Mrs. Lori's Art Class had an opening today for their 3 o'clock Christmas Tree Class. It was 2:30 when I noticed the post, so we hurried. Mrs. Lori is an AMAZING art teacher that has special art classes in her home and at Hobby Lobby sometimes. The classes are small so she can give each student the attention they need. You usually have to book your spot MONTHS in advance if you want a spot. This was Brayden's first art class with her and I was SO PROUD OF HIS WORK!!! The students started with a blank canvas and created these perfect little treasures! He had such a great time and can't wait to do it again!

Grandparent's Day at Jim Stone Elem.

Brayden's school invited grandparents to be part of the kids day on Friday. It was a BIG hit :-). Pawpaw was out of town on business and couldn't attend, but Sissy was happy to take his spot. I'm sad that Sissy didn't get in any of the pictures, but she was working the camera ;-). Brayden was so excited to see them! When mom and Sissy were done at the school, we had a girls lunch at Holly's Country Cafe. The food was GREAT and the visit with them was even better!! Thank you Nana and Sissy for coming up for the day and making my little man feel so special. We love you!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blessed X 3......

Today was my final divorce hearing, a very bittersweet day for me. Yesterday was extremely hard on me emotionally and spiritually. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has sent me messages, texts, calls, and posts of support, prayer, and love. I truly felt it because today I woke up with a peace and confidence that I have not felt in a LONG time. I KNOW God was holding my hand and guiding my heart. I have such WONDERFUL parents, family, and friends that have stood by my side every step of the way. The outcome of the hearing was better than I could have hoped for, my boys and I are so thankful for our legal team. After the hearing today a good friend of mine stopped by to check on us and told me about a FULL TIME (YAY) employment opportunity available immediately that her friend wants me to do AND they will work with my schedule for the boys. Shortly after that, I saw that I got a child support check........FINALLY........YAY!!!! What an AMAZING God I serve!! Wow, three HUGE Blessing in one day! It really goes to show that when you release the evil from your life, the blessings have room to move in. THANK YOU LORD!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

The first pictures are from a Fall Festival at a local church from Saturday night. The boys had such a great time!

The weather was PERFECT tonight for trick or treating! The boys and I went to our good friends house, The Cowger's, before heading out in their neighborhood. We started our adventure around 5:30 and was home by 7:00. The boys had a great time and got lots of goodies. It's been a long month and this Momma is TIRED! Heading to bed.........

Friday, October 28, 2011

Laundry "Helper"..........

Fall Festival at Little Life

This is Bryson's teach Miss Cynthia.....he LOVES her!!

The boys and I had such a good time tonight at the Fall Festival. I feel so blessed to have such great GODLY women surrounding my sweet Bryson. The booths were so cute and creative. Thank you Little Life for all your hard work you put in, everything looked great!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lunch Date, Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip, and a Few Extras

The first picture captures my sweet boy's personality perfectly. We had just got to church and he found a red boa and started dancing without a care in the world. I just adore his free spirit! I was excited to have a lunch date last week with Brayden at his school. He was so excited to see me (I surprised him) and bragged to his whole class that he kissed his mom, lol. Something tells me that won't be very cool to him much longer ; ) This past Friday, Brayden had his first fieldtrip with his kindergarten class. They went to Schaefer's Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze in Mayflower. There were so many fun things for them to do. Brayden had a great time. I am thankful I got to share such a fun day with him! Friday night we met up with some friends at Big Ben's in Vilonia. Their food is YUMMY and the boys had a great time.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Celebrating a Dear Friend!

Saturday night was such a great time! My dear friend Kristi had a wonderful birthday dinner celebration at Mike's Place. Even though I have only known Kristi for about a year and a half, she has quickly become one of my closest friends! I absolutely adore her and her sweet family. Kristi is a great friend, an inspiring Christian woman, and one of the BEST mother's I know! I am so blessed by her friendship. I hope I look half as gorgeous as her when I turn 40! Happy Birthday sweet friend!!!!

Fun Birthday Party

Happy 6th Birthday Jordan! Miss Jordan is the beauty beside Brayden on the trampoline. We had such a great time at your party! Thank you for inviting us to share your special day!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Open House at JSE

Brayden wanted to draw Mrs. Philpott a picture of him and her playing together on the playground. She loved it!

Brayden was so excited to show us the library! He loves to read!

This is Mr. Lewis, Brayden's principal.

Tonight was open house at Brayden's school. He was excited to show us the different learning stations in his classroom, where he sits, and even the bathroon ; ) Mrs. Philpott gave him a good report academically and behavior wise, I was so proud of him! We then toured the library and his GT classroom or "thinking room" as he calls it. I was so proud of him when his P.E. teacher approached me and said Brayden was a very well behaved young man : ) My little man is growing up!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Work Brayden!!!

I am so very proud of how well Brayden is doing academically in school. We are only nine weeks in and already he can write/recognize all upper and lower case of the alphabet and their sounds. He can recognize, SPELL AND READ all colors. He can count, recognize, and write to 199. He knows all the days of the week. He can read at least 25 site words, not counting his colors. His coloring and drawing has improved LEAPS AND BOUNDS since the beginning of summer. The first drawing on this post is my favorite. The assignment was to draw your family. It made my heart happy that he used bright colors and that everyone is smiling : ) The teacher was impressed with his use of color, such as green for grass and blue for sky. I couldn't ask for more academically out of Brayden! Now if we could just get his listening skills up a knotch or two ; )

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun Family Weekend!

The boys and I just got back in town from a fun weekend at Sissy's! Uncle Keith was in and we were all missing him! Sissy always makes us feel at home and her Southern cooking is GREAT!!! : ) She had homemade vegetable beef soup and cornbread waiting on us when we got there. YUMMY! Saturday I got to sleep in and woke up to the BEST homemade biscuits and gravy with bacon. I'm so glad she doesn't spoil us ; ) After breakfast we went to get supplies for the fun Fall display for Sissy's yard. I LOVE Fall, especially decorating for it!! The boys even got to decorate pick out their own pumpkins and decorate them. My highlight was teaching my son how to throw a football in a spiral. HE IS AWESOME and caught on so quickly!!!! Coach Petrino......he'll be ready to wear that Hog jersey with PRIDE!! I also worked on spiraling his kicks, but that's a work in progress ; ) If the Hogs could have pulled off a win, it would have been icing on a perfect day! We headed back to Conway early today. I had every intention of going to church (we never like missing), but the boys reminded me it was last day of Lion King in the theaters. Disney has it in the vault on dvd, and the boys lost theirs a long time ago. They were SO EXCITED when I told them we were going to see it. This weekend was a great reminder of how much I have to be thankful for! Thanks Sissy for a great weekend!