Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blessed X 3......

Today was my final divorce hearing, a very bittersweet day for me. Yesterday was extremely hard on me emotionally and spiritually. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has sent me messages, texts, calls, and posts of support, prayer, and love. I truly felt it because today I woke up with a peace and confidence that I have not felt in a LONG time. I KNOW God was holding my hand and guiding my heart. I have such WONDERFUL parents, family, and friends that have stood by my side every step of the way. The outcome of the hearing was better than I could have hoped for, my boys and I are so thankful for our legal team. After the hearing today a good friend of mine stopped by to check on us and told me about a FULL TIME (YAY) employment opportunity available immediately that her friend wants me to do AND they will work with my schedule for the boys. Shortly after that, I saw that I got a child support check........FINALLY........YAY!!!! What an AMAZING God I serve!! Wow, three HUGE Blessing in one day! It really goes to show that when you release the evil from your life, the blessings have room to move in. THANK YOU LORD!!!!

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