Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Family Day at Dickerson Zoo

We had such a great family day yesterday. We started the day with a great report for Brayden from Dr. Teeter. Brayden loves Dr. Teeter. Our big, strong, growing boy is 47.4 pounds and 41 inces tall. Other than the struggle to keep clothes in the house that fit him, he's doing great. After Brayden's wellness visit, we all went to Springfield to the Dickerson Zoo. We had a BLAST!! Brayden's favorite part was riding the "choo, choo" and playing in the water stations. He loved the animals too, just not as much. After the zoo we went and ate dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. It was kids night there, which Brayden loved. A clown came to our table and made him an airplane ballon. We heard airplane noises the rest of the night. Needless to say, we had no trouble getting Brayden to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!!! You have a wonderful family!
