Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thank God for Family and Shout!!

The Keirsey Family had another crazy busy week. Jimmy and I celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary. It was by far the best anniversary we have had yet. We spent the day shopping in Bentonville with Bryson. Bryson is the sweetest, laid back, joy of a baby you could imagine. We were away from home with him for 11 hours and he only fussed for 2 minutes the entire day. Brayden was at his Great Grandmother Donna and Aunt Jackie's house for 3 days. He absolutely loves it there. It is so wonderful to have family call and offer to watch the kiddos every once in a while. Brayden is still talking about what a wonderful time he had! Although he was dearly missed, we enjoyed not having a demanding toddler for a few days.

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