Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kansas Trip

Jimmy had a very busy week lastweek, so the kiddos and I loaded up for a week long visit to The Ratzlaff Home. We had such a wonderful time!! Hillsboro is such a unique little town. Even though I have been there several times, it seems I find new things to love each time I visit. We filled our days with trips to the aquatic center (which we all loved), walks, bike rides, softball games, and snow cones. They made us feel so welcome in their home. I have to admit I was nervous to travel with a two month old, especially overnight. He was an ANGEL!! Micah and Amanda couldn't believe how good of a baby he was. The only time he fussed was food time. He even sleeps through the night.....10:00 to 7:00. I'm so blessed to have such a low maintenance baby. Brayden loved, loved, loved having Brekyn, Kingzley, and the 3 dogs to play with everyday. Brayden was quite the handful, as always my high maintenance child. Hopefully he will grow out of it soon. Thank you Amanda and Micah for your patience with him. We were not ready to leave on Saturday, even though it had been a week. We would still be there now if it were possible. I always have such a sense of fullness and peace after my visits. Miss you guys and thanks again for the wonderful visit!

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