Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Someone's Turning 6 Soon!!!

My parents wanted the boys this past weekend to celebrate Brayden's upcoming 6th birthday. Brayden knew he was going to see his Nana and ALL WEEK he would ask me after school if today was the day. The boys had such a great time!! You can see from Brayden's expression how excited he was that they decorated the house for him. It was so thoughtful of my parents to get BOTH my boys new bikes and to say they were from me. Thanks Nana and Papa for a great weekend of fishing, bike riding, and a great birthday party! While my boys were away for the weekend, my friend Sara and baby girl Khyann came to town for a visit. We had a great girls weekend. Sunday when I got back with the boys, we went to Eli's birthday party at the Go Kart place here in town. It was so much fun!! The boys had a blast : )

Monday, August 15, 2011

The First Day of Big "K"

You would think that after having almost six years to prepare for today I would be ready, but my heart was far from it. However, Brayden woke up so excited for his first day of Kindergarten! He even woke his brother up to say "Hurry Bryson, we are going to be late" : ). They started Kindergarten at 9:00 today so that all the parents of the Kindergarteners would be less frazzled. I was thankful because Bryson needed to be at his school by 8:30, so it worked out perfect. While we were dropping Bryson off, Brayden had a chance to see his teacher from last year, Mrs. Nicole. He was so excited to tell her about his new school he was attending today. She gave him a big hug and prayed with him. We will definitely miss her! Brayden wanted to call Nana on his way to school, she seemed excited to hear from him ; ). When we arrived in the parking lot of Jim Stone, it really started to hit me. I can't believe my baby boy is a Kindergartener. We saw Brayden's best friend, Audrey, and had to get a pic. They aren't in the same class, but I know they will have fun at recess. Brayden wanted to hold my hand when we walked in the school, needless to say this made my heart happy. When we got to Brayden's room, Mrs. Philpot greeted Brayden with open arms. He was excited to hang up his Iron Man backpack, find his seat and start coloring. I'm amazed at how quickly Brayden makes friends, he's such an outgoing little guy. After watching him color for about five minutes, Mrs. Philpot turned on the television for morning announcements and the pledge of allegiance. There was a lady that came in the room and informed all the parents that the PTO was hosting a "Boohoo Breakfast" down the hall and it was time to go. What?!!! So Soon?!! My heart sank and I could feel the tears starting to fill my eyes. I was walking out and was waving bye when Brayden motioned me to come where he was. He gave me a kiss, and yes.....the tears fell. I told him to have a wonderful first day and I would see him very soon. When I walked out of the class I felt overjoyed with pride and heavy with saddness all in one. The Boohoo Breakfast was such a great idea. Even if we couldn't be in the same room with our "babies" atleast we were just right down the hall a little while longer. It was mostly quiet in the room. It was hard for me not to notice all the couples. The Dad's consoling the Mom's and how they made it a point to be there together for such a special occasion. One of the thoughts going through my head as I set there surrounded by other parents was that I hope Jimmy's heart was filled with grief today for missing such a big event in Brayden's life over nothing but foolishness. Then I said a prayer for Brayden and Bryson that they do not let the fact that their Dad isn't man enough to be there for them make them feel the least bit sad or unwanted. I also prayed that my sweet boys have a wonderful first day of school and that I would have peace knowing that my babies are well taking care of.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What a Difference a Summer Makes!!!

During Brayden's Pre-K year, he showed little interest in his writing and artistic side. Thankfully, that has changed this summer. We spend hours a day working on his coloring, writing, and everything in between preparing for the Big "K". I'm amazed at the diffence in his coloring at the beginning of the summer versus the end. Look at how differently he writes his name. The lizard was done in May and the penguin was done in August. I'm such a proud Momma of this big growing boy! He's definitely ready for Kindergarten. Me.......not so much : (

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.......

First let me start by saying this is far from my happiest post. Unfortunately I haven't known really what to say for the past eight months. Life has went on, but it seems like a blur. My world has been turned upside down. Six months ago I was under the impression that I was in a happy marriage and we had been actively trying for over a year to add to our family. Since then, Jimmy has decided to quit our family and himself as far as I'm concerned. I don't really want to share all the details, but just imagine a Jerry Springer type Soap Opera and that would pretty much sum it up. There has been several events in my boys lives such as Brayden's Pre-K graduation, his T.O.T performance, Tball, Safety Town, Bryson's birthday, and so much more. I know I could have posted about these events, but it just felt like the shadow of this nasty divorce darkened the mood of what was supposed to be joyous occasions. I know I am a stronger person today than I was six months ago, but it's still a world away from where I know I need to be. My two baby boys are still very much heartbroken and confused, as am I. I wish with every fiber in my being that I could take that pain away from them. I'm not sure where we will be a year from now. Actually, I'm not sure where we will be three months from now. All I do know is that I appreciate all the kind words, love, support, and prayers that our family and friends have shown to my boys and I during this extremely difficult and trying time. I'm not quite sure how to do this journey of life being single, but I know God will be there for me every step of the way. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.