Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Sick Big Boy Now

This has not been a week of good health at the Keirsey home! Luckily, Jimmy hasn't got the stomach virus yet and I pray he doesn't. Brayden got sick Friday afternoon and has been sick ever since. Bryson is no longer running fever or vomiting, but has HORRIBLE diapers!! I haven't been sick since yesterday, but my tummy feels really sensitive. I believe we are keeping Lysol and Gain in business this week! I pray this sickness passes very soon. This was not the way we had hoped our first Memorial Day as a family would be spent (this is the first year Jimmy has been off work on Memorial Day weekend since we got engaged).

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sick Baby Boy

Bryson has been running a high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for the past twenty four hours. He has slept all but fifteen minutes from four this morning until six thirty this evening. Hopefully he will still be able to sleep tonight (lets keep our fingers crossed!). Thankfully his fever broke about an hour ago. I hope and pray he is on the mend. I HATE to see this precious angel suffer, hurts my heart. Please keep him in your prayers!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Visit from MiMi!!

We are thrilled to have Mimi visit us for a few days! The last picture cracks me up because this was Brayden's excited expression when we told him Mimi was here, lol. We are so happy she got to go to our church today, she enjoyed it as much as we did. We are also very thankful that she watched the boys for us so we could go to dinner and a movie. Dates are far and few between for us these days, especially since we have moved. I know we will have lots more fun these next few days while she's here.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Splishin' and a Splashin'

Water is ALWAYS fun entertainment in hot weather!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Early Anniversary Gift........

My sweetheart of a husband spoiled me with a WONDERFUL early anniversary gift. I have been wanting to redecorate our master bedroom for SO LONG, but I just recently found this bedding and artwork that I LOVE!!! I can't wait to get a few more accesories, accent pillows, and maybe a chair or chase to complete the room.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Taking off at 2!!

Ever since Brayden understood what a bicycle was, he has been on one. Bryson has watched his bubba "pedal" his bike nearly every day. Bryson gets on his bicycle and big wheel and pushes with his feet (think Flintstones driving) most of the time, with few attempts at pedaling. Today was different!! My big boy decided he would no longer wait in the dust.....he is pedaling like a big boy now. I was so proud......but part of me still wants to see my litte BamBam pushing away!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Brayden's preschool hosted a Tea in honor of Mother's Day . The kiddos did the cutest questionaires about their Mommies. Apparently Brayden thinks I am 5 years old and I love steak ; ). The sweetest answer he gave was that I'm the best mommy in the whole world because "her's my best friend". The Moms enjoyed tea, chocolate, and cookies. As you can see in the picture, the kiddos enjoyed cupcakes.......maybe a little too much ; ) . We had a wonderful time and I feel very loved by my big boy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

My newest treasure.......

Brayden's preschool teacher gave us this treasure today. I'm so proud of my smart, handsome, growing little man!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Bryson!!

What a bittersweet day for me! My baby boy turned two today. I'm so very proud of him and all the wonderful things he's achieved already in his life, but at the same time I'm absolutely heartbroken that he's growing up. We had to celebrate without Daddy today, but we tried to make the best of it. I had planned to take the boys to Toadsuck Daze, but the weather was not our friend. Instead, we had to eat birthday cake in between tornado warnings, then back to the laundry room for shelter we went. I do believe Bryson had a great day, despite all the circumstances. I told Bryson to put on his birthday hat, he ran to my shower and came out wearing my shower cap instead, LOL. Brayden was a great big brother, as you can see in the pics, and helped read Bryson his birthday card and open gifts. I have a small confession. When I first found out I was pregnant two years and nine months ago, I was hoping for a baby girl. I'm SO HAPPY he wasn't!!!