Thursday, November 5, 2009
My Little Goblins
Halloween was tons of fun this year!! Brayden was black spiderman and Bryson was a monkey. They were BOTH SO ADORABLE!! We celebrated early in the week at Brayden's preschool. There was a cute little program and a halloween party to follow. The night of Halloween we went trick-or-treating and got WAY TOO MUCH CANDY. Jimmy gladly took most of it to work to save our children's teeth and to save our patience from sugar overload ; ) !! I just love this time of year!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 was touring in Kansas City this past Sunday. My wonderful hubby got me a ticket to the show and shopping money for my birthday. I invited my best friend Amanda to come with me. The show was AMAZING!! Television doesn't do these dancers justice. I was so excited to see my favorite routines from the season performed. We had such great seats.......three rows off the stage. We felt like we could reach out and touch them. My entire trip was wonderful. We shopped til we dropped, ate at our favorite restaurants, watched SYTYCD, and enjoyed some much needed girl time. Even though it was only an overnight trip, we packed as much into it as we possibly could. I feel so blessed for these little get aways. I can't wait for Season 6 to start touring.......WE'RE THERE!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Brayden!!
For Brayden's actual birthday, September 1, we decided to celebrate.....again, lol!! To start the day off, we took Brayden to get a donut at the bakery before school. At school, Brayden brought cupcakes for his class. We then went to lunch at Chik-Fil-A and let the kiddos play in their play area. After dinner that night, we took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese. Needless to say......Brayden had a great time. He was so tired that night that he actually fell asleep while I was reading to him. That was the first time he has ever fell asleep during a story. I stayed in there a while just watched my big boy sleep and thanking the Lord for blessing me with him!! I can't believe it's been four years since I brought him home from the hospital......what a journey it's been!
Brayden Celebrates the Big "4"

Brayden had a "Spongetastic" time celebrating his 4th birthday at Maccaroo Gyms surrounded by his friends and family! Thank you all so much for coming and making Brayden feel so special. I was so excited about his cake!! Tonia Fry did a FABULOUS job of decorating it and it tasted as great as it looked! The last picture I thought was ADORABLE!! The little girl in the picture is crazy about Brayden. They go to preschool together......isn't she a doll!! I have to say..........I think she has impeccable taste in men ; ) !
Thursday, August 20, 2009
First Day of School '09
My big boy started preschool again today and was SO EXCITED to see his teachers and all his friends. We absolutely ADORE his preschool. The teachers are always so enthusiastic and loving. Brayden has learned so many new wonderful things.......most importantly about Jesus. When I picked him up from preschool and we were walking to the car he said "Mom, who lives in your heart?" I said "My love for you, and Bryson, and Daddy. Who lives in your heart?" He replied, "Jesus". I was melted!! I can't believe my baby will be four in less than two weeks........where does the time go? We are so proud of you Brayden!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Little Superheroes
To celebrate Brayden's first day of school, we dressed our little superheroes up and took them to Chik-fil-a for some superhero fun. They had a great time!! Brayden loved seeing all the superheroes, especially Spiderman. He gave them high-fives and posed with his "super muscles". Bryson enjoyed waving at them, in the safety of Mommy and Daddy's arms of course. He also enjoyed running around growling at everyone (thanks for teaching him that Papa).
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Bryson!!
It seems like yesterday I brought my precious angel home from the hospital........not a year ago. It's flying by entirely too fast for me. I find myself thinking "maybe if I never set him down, he will never learn to walk and I can keep him my baby forever". He fills my heart with so much joy.
To celebrate his birthday, we had a party at our local skating rink. It was a BLAST!! We took his walker so he could "skate" too. He had so much fun! We had such a great turn out of family and friends. Thank you all for coming and celebrating the first birthday of our second miracle!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Easter 2009
We had a great Easter this year. It was a bit bittersweet since it was Bryson's last "first" holiday. The easterbunny came to visit and the kids were very excited. We had a great morning at church. The easter egg hunt was moved indoors because of the weather, but I think it was better that way for Bryson. We feel so blessed with these two boys and are so thankful the Lord decided to share them with us.
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