Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School '09

My big boy started preschool again today and was SO EXCITED to see his teachers and all his friends. We absolutely ADORE his preschool. The teachers are always so enthusiastic and loving. Brayden has learned so many new wonderful things.......most importantly about Jesus. When I picked him up from preschool and we were walking to the car he said "Mom, who lives in your heart?" I said "My love for you, and Bryson, and Daddy. Who lives in your heart?" He replied, "Jesus". I was melted!! I can't believe my baby will be four in less than two weeks........where does the time go? We are so proud of you Brayden!!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Adorable! He's a little daddy look a like! I love statements like'll keep that in your heart forever.