Monday, November 10, 2008

skater boy

Tonight was the funnest night I have ever had with Brayden! It was just us two and I took him skating for the first time. Our friend Sara and her boys invited us to the local skating rink for a fundraiser for their school. I'm so glad and grateful they did. Brayden did pretty well considering it was his first time. He held my had the whole time. However, as you can see in the last picture, I let go just once and he fell........hitting his cheek. He's a tough little guy though! A quick little cry and we were off again. My absolute favorite part was at the end. They had all the kids take off their skates and do the "Cha Cha Slide" and the "Chicken Dance". Brayden was so adorable!! He danced the whole time. I have videos that I will post, but I had technical difficulties tonight. I'll try again. Thanks again Sara for the invite........WE HAD A BLAST!!

1 comment:

Shine On said...

I know you guys really enjoyed yourselves. It looks like you two had a blast!