Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fabulous Fall

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year!! I love everything about it. I love the beautiful colors of the leaves, the cool crisp air, and the introduction to the festive holidays. This tree is so beautiful. It is on the street in front of our house and I can't help but stare and comment on it everytime we pass by it. Just as the fall brings about changes in the scenery, this fall has brought about many changes for our family! We FINALLY closed on our house we have been trying to sell for a year!! We love the area we are in. Our life is much fuller and happier than it has been in a long time!! We have found a church that we enjoy and look forward to attending every Sunday. We are blessed with two healthy, gorgeous, joyful boys that make our hearts smile everyday. Our hearts are filled with love, gratitude, and hope. We have been blessed in so many ways and we are so thankful!!

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