Monday, November 10, 2008

Go Tabor Go!!

I was so excited that I got to see Amanda and her family on Saturday. Her husband is the head basketball coach of Tabor College. They were playing a team in Claremore, Oklahoma, on Saturday so I took the kiddos. It was a great time. I have to say, taking two children by myself to a basketball game was not the easiest time I have every had. I'm not sure I could tell you two plays in the whole game. The important thing is that we had fun. I loved getting to see you Amanda, although I wish it was a longer visit. I guess our visits are never long enough though!

skater boy

Tonight was the funnest night I have ever had with Brayden! It was just us two and I took him skating for the first time. Our friend Sara and her boys invited us to the local skating rink for a fundraiser for their school. I'm so glad and grateful they did. Brayden did pretty well considering it was his first time. He held my had the whole time. However, as you can see in the last picture, I let go just once and he fell........hitting his cheek. He's a tough little guy though! A quick little cry and we were off again. My absolute favorite part was at the end. They had all the kids take off their skates and do the "Cha Cha Slide" and the "Chicken Dance". Brayden was so adorable!! He danced the whole time. I have videos that I will post, but I had technical difficulties tonight. I'll try again. Thanks again Sara for the invite........WE HAD A BLAST!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

You Can't Prove It!!

I didn't give him chocolate, and you can't prove that I did!! Don't my boys look mischievous together?!

Superheros Unite

A few months back, there was a Chick-fil-A that opened in Joplin in addition to the one inside the mall. We are all big Chick-fil-A fans!! This Chick-fil-A goes above and beyond customer service! They always have great events for families. This event was "Superheros Unite". They had all the main superhero characters, free food for the kids, a monster truck, balloon characters, and party favors for everyone. Brayden refused to wear his ninja turtle costume once we arrived, but he still decided to use his sword on a few of the superheros. His favorite part was the moster truck. He had a hard time leaving it.......yes, there was bribery involved. Bryson LOVED the you can see in the picture. We all had a great time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fabulous Fall

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year!! I love everything about it. I love the beautiful colors of the leaves, the cool crisp air, and the introduction to the festive holidays. This tree is so beautiful. It is on the street in front of our house and I can't help but stare and comment on it everytime we pass by it. Just as the fall brings about changes in the scenery, this fall has brought about many changes for our family! We FINALLY closed on our house we have been trying to sell for a year!! We love the area we are in. Our life is much fuller and happier than it has been in a long time!! We have found a church that we enjoy and look forward to attending every Sunday. We are blessed with two healthy, gorgeous, joyful boys that make our hearts smile everyday. Our hearts are filled with love, gratitude, and hope. We have been blessed in so many ways and we are so thankful!!

Trick or Treat!!

This year was definitely our most exciting Halloween ever!! We were so excited that Nana and Papa could share it with us!! We started the day at Brayden's preschool where the kids did a parade in their Halloween costumes. Brayden was a ferocious dragon and Bryson was a sweet pea. Brayden was so excited to see his Nana and Papa that he left the line and came charging for them. Of course, Nana had to hold his had and walk in the parade with him or else he would not have budged. After the parade, we went inside for the Halloween Party. Brayden and his Papa was BIG BUDDIES!! They colored pictures, played games, dug for bones in the corn graveyard, and played spooky golf. Brayden and his Nana got matching pink cats stamped on their hands. They had a train for the kids that Brayden spent most of his time was a great time!! Halloween evening we went to our church for a hayride. Brayden LOVED it!! I think his favorite part was door to door Trick-or-Treating. Brayden got enough candy to last him until next Halloween. Thank you Nana and Papa for sharing in this exciting event with us!! It wouldn't have been the same without you there!!