Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Family Day at Dickerson Zoo

We had such a great family day yesterday. We started the day with a great report for Brayden from Dr. Teeter. Brayden loves Dr. Teeter. Our big, strong, growing boy is 47.4 pounds and 41 inces tall. Other than the struggle to keep clothes in the house that fit him, he's doing great. After Brayden's wellness visit, we all went to Springfield to the Dickerson Zoo. We had a BLAST!! Brayden's favorite part was riding the "choo, choo" and playing in the water stations. He loved the animals too, just not as much. After the zoo we went and ate dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. It was kids night there, which Brayden loved. A clown came to our table and made him an airplane ballon. We heard airplane noises the rest of the night. Needless to say, we had no trouble getting Brayden to bed.

Surprise!! It's Nana and Papa!!

Sunday was such a great day for me and the boys. We had just sent Daddy off to work and wondering what we were going to do for the day. The doorbell rang a few minutes was Nana and Papa!! Brayden and I was so excited and surprised to see them. We really enjoyed their visit. We played baseball and ran through the water from Brayden's new water toy. Before we let Brayden out in the sun, we explained the importance of sunscreen to him. As you can see in the first picture, he agreed. Bryson, although he can't say just yet, really enjoyed their visit too. Thank you for coming, it made our day. Hope it isn't too long before we get surprised again!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Family Fun!

Brayden and Bryson had a visit from their Mimi and Poppie this week. We all had so much fun. Brayden had a really hard time seeing them go. He felt much better when we told him he would be going to visit them the beginning of July and staying for almost a week. It will be the longest I have been away from him since he was born. I'm very excited about him getting to go though. He will get to play with his cousins that are close in age. Brayden's Mimi and Poppie live on a small farm, so he will get to feed their chickens and help in the garden..........which he LOVES. I am looking forward to getting to spend some one-on-one time with Bryson and getting my house clean and organized. Thanks Mimi and Poppie for a wonderful visit and for offering to keep Brayden soon!! Rest up are going to need it for when the little tornado comes to

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thank God for Family and Shout!!

The Keirsey Family had another crazy busy week. Jimmy and I celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary. It was by far the best anniversary we have had yet. We spent the day shopping in Bentonville with Bryson. Bryson is the sweetest, laid back, joy of a baby you could imagine. We were away from home with him for 11 hours and he only fussed for 2 minutes the entire day. Brayden was at his Great Grandmother Donna and Aunt Jackie's house for 3 days. He absolutely loves it there. It is so wonderful to have family call and offer to watch the kiddos every once in a while. Brayden is still talking about what a wonderful time he had! Although he was dearly missed, we enjoyed not having a demanding toddler for a few days.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summertime Fun

We have had a hectic past few weeks!! Thankfully we were able to fit in some fun even though we have all been sick. My best friend Amanda and her two precious kiddos came to visit. We had tons of fun and Brayden really enjoyed having buddies to play with all week. The visits never last long enough and we hated to see them go!