Friday, May 23, 2008

First Day of New Pre-school

Brayden started pre-school part time this week. He LOVES his new school! He actually cried because he didn't want to leave. That's always a great feeling as a parent because you know they are being well taken care of if they refuse to leave. I love hearing all about his day and the new things he's learned. He amazes me how smart he is for only being two. I forget he's only two sometime because of his size. My two year old is 41 and a half inches tall and tips the scales at 46.6 pounds..........yes, my 2 YEAR OLD. He's at least 5 inches taller than the next tallest boy in the class. I miss him so much when he's gone, but I know how much he loves the change of scenery. My little boy is growing up too fast!

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