Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Newest Love Muffin

Bryson got to spend a little time at his Nana and Papa's this week. I LOVE this age. They are so sweet and cuddly. They can't throw fits, refuse diaper changes, or abuse you with a stuffed Nemo in protest of whatever you have asked of them. Well, lets give him a few years..........I'm sure he will love doing all the wonderful things his brother does at his wonderful age of 2.

First Day of New Pre-school

Brayden started pre-school part time this week. He LOVES his new school! He actually cried because he didn't want to leave. That's always a great feeling as a parent because you know they are being well taken care of if they refuse to leave. I love hearing all about his day and the new things he's learned. He amazes me how smart he is for only being two. I forget he's only two sometime because of his size. My two year old is 41 and a half inches tall and tips the scales at 46.6 pounds..........yes, my 2 YEAR OLD. He's at least 5 inches taller than the next tallest boy in the class. I miss him so much when he's gone, but I know how much he loves the change of scenery. My little boy is growing up too fast!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Papa's Lil' Cowboy!

As you can see, Brayden is Papa's "Mini-Me". These two together are like two peas in a pod.............just ask Brayden. Papa takes Brayden to "feed Boone 'n Midge", "throw rocks in the Rivie", and "punch it Papa..........through the gate". Thanks to Papa, my 2 year old knows how to start a truck, turn on the radio, put it in gear, drive, and most for chicks. If Papa wanted to stand on his head in the rain........Brayden would be right beside him, upside down, mouth open, catching rain.

Nana's Boy!!

Ask Brayden if he's "Mama's Boy"............he will quickly correct you. "I'm Nana's Boy". I'm sure Bryson will feel the same very soon. Occasionally, Brayden will add........."and Papa's Boy" He could play with his Nana for HOURS ON END, and usually, that's exactly what he does. His Nana has got my little man to be such an outdoors man. There's no words to describe his love for his Nana.

Restful Minds

There is nothing more precious than to watch babies sleep. I would give anything sometimes to sleep this peacefully, without a care in the world. These boys have my heart, and by looking at these pictures I am certain you can see why. Bryson is struggling a bit with having his days and nights mixed up. Brayden has the sleep thing down.........epecially with the help of "Nemo" and "Mr. Elephant". Maybe mommy and daddy can have a good night's sleep again someday can only

Brotherly Love

Brayden loves his new brother dearly! So much in fact that he decided it would be a great idea to share his sticker with his little brother. Bryson....not so much.