Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Jesus is My Bestest Friend" Program

Friday was a very busy day for the Keirsey family. We had Bryson's Christmas party at school and their preschool Christmas program "Jesus is My Bestest Friend" that night. Nana and Papa surprised the boys by coming to see their program. Neither of them knew they were there until they were entering the stage. I don't think either of them ever took their eyes off them. Bryson was on stage yelling "Nana.....Nana....." it was SO CUTE!!! Brayden was a shepard and Bryson was a sheep. All the kids did great and stole the hearts of all who were watching! I had family pictures taken with Jimmy and I in them, but along with several of the pictures taken they were too blurry to see. Santa......Momma needs a new camera ; )
Bryson's Christmas party was a Huge Disappointment. There was no crafts, no games, no decorations.....just cupcakes (blue and yellow.....not even Christmas colors) and a drink. I was the only Mom there, but now I see why. I have never missed Brayden's old preschool more in my life, not just for the amazing parties either. I just feel like my kids are missing out on so much by not being there......but I guess it isn't logical to make a four hour commute for preschool : ( I am homesick.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brayden's Preschool Christmas Party

Brayden's Preschool had their Christmas party today and I am so excited I was able to go!!! They did a book exchange, made christmas ornaments, and ate Christmas cookies. Brayden had a great time, and so did I. I feel so blessed that my children attend a Christian Preschool because keeping Christ in Christmas is a priority. After the party we went to our friend Kristi's house to do a gift exchange. Brayden and Audrey have become such good friends. Their picture together in front of the tree cracks me up because it almost looks like a prom pic, lol. What a fun fulled morning we had!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Branson with the Vance Family

We took a quick trip to Branson this weekend to meet up with our friends, the Vance Family. They were kind enough to give us their FREE buddy passes into Silver Dollar City. We picked a VERY COLD night to go, but the up side is that we mostly had the park to ourselves. Our kiddos were mezmerized by the huge Christmas tree with cordinating music/lights when we first entered the park, it was beautiful!!! Next we rode the train and sipped the yummiest hot chocolate... so so fun! Jimmy and Bryson went back to the car shortly hubby doesn't do the best in freezing conditions ; ). Plus, Bryson had lost a glove and his little hand was pitifully cold. Brayden and I stayed to watch the parade. About a minute before the parade began it started to snow. I know Brayden will remember this magical experience for years to come! His excitedment made my heart happy. We all have sore throats,snotty noses, and fun memories for souvenirs : ) It was well worth it. Thanks again Vances, it was so good to see you all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Meet our Elf....Mr. Jingles

This year we decided to start a new Christmas tradition...."The Elf on the Shelf". It is such a cute book. The boys named our elf "Jingles". In the book it states that your elf will appear in a different place each morning until Christmas. The only rule is that you can not touch the elf. The elf watches over the children and reports back to Santa each night whether the boys have been naughty or nice. He moves to a new place each morning. On Christmas Eve the elf returns to the North Pole until next holiday season. The boys were so excited when they woke up today to find where Mr. Jingles would be watching from. Brayden even shows Mr. Jingles pictures in toy magazines of the things he would like to tell Santa he wants. Bryson wants to kiss him and tries scaling furniture to get to him, but we have to gently remind him "no touching Mr. Jingles" : ) I know we will have many fun memories with Mr. Jingles in the years to come : )

Monday, December 6, 2010

Where's My Decorations Going???

Me....."Boys, where are all my ornaments from the bottom of the tree going?". Boys, as the turn to look at the bald spots on the tree "I don't know Momma". Something tells me they know exactly what happened to them : )

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The boys were so excited to see Santa today. Bryson ran up to him, gave him a big hug, and said "I been a good boy". Brayden shook his hand and immediately told him he wanted a big red train. Momma was happy because we got a FREE 5x7 pic and there was no line! Daddy informed Santa about his desperate NEED to make a personal appearance at the Sugar Bowl this year : )