What an exciting, fun-filled, BUSY Thursday we had!! We started our day off at Brayden's Mimi's house to celebrate his birthday. She got him and AWESOME Ironman helmet to go with his costume and two Ironman shirts. He LOVED them! Thanks Mimi for the great gifts! Next we went to Nana and Papa's house. Brayden got a SUPER CUTE transformers costume and helmet! I think Bryson took ownership of it though, lol. After playing in the costumes for a while, Brayden and Bryson rode Boone, Papa's horse. They LOVED IT!! Thank you Nana and Papa for the awesome birthday gifts and the fun evening for the boys. While the boys were having fun with Nana and Papa, we went to my close friend Casey's 30th birthday party. It was a "Twilight" theme and her mom did such a great, creative job decorating! The food was so yummy and we had a blast! It was such a great evening!
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