Monday, April 26, 2010

Ridin' Big at Nana and Papa's

A trip to Nana and Papa's wouldn't be complete without some John Deer and bull ridin'. !! My little cowboys love it there and have a very hard time saying bye. We had a blast and can't wait until next time!

The Birthday Celebrations Begin

How is it even possible that the youngest love of my life is about to celebrate his 2nd birthday? I may just tell everyone he's 23 plus 1 months you think that will keep him my baby boy forever? He has blessed my life in more ways than he will ever know. I love my snook!! I still have four more days before I have to admit I have a two year old, so don't expect me to admit it a day sooner!

The "Big Hunt" at Clearcreek

This Saturday was such a fun family day!! We met up with my parents, my aunt and uncle, and their son and family at Clearcreek. We were having a family get together and celebrating Bryson's 2nd birthday early. Thank the good Lord the weather cleared up so we could enjoy our day outdoors. We fished, had a picnic, and the little ones had a "Big Hunt" for stuffed animals. Of course, the hunt would not be complete without rifles and cowboy hats. There isn't much my boys do these days without gun in hand and hat on. It was a great time and I hope we get a chance to do it more often!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Best Easter EVER!!!

I believe this Easter was the best one yet for our family!! Church was AMAZING! After church, Nana and Papa came to visit. We had lunch and a very fun easter egg hunt. My youngest was so exhausted that he fell asleep for the night at 6:45. So.........4:45 this morning, he was ready to Rock'n Roll.......Mommy, not so much. We have so much to be thankful for this Easter!! What an AMAZING God we serve!!

Kisses......gotta love'em!!!

Easter kisses.........they are the best!! These boys LOVE their Nana and Papa, can't you tell!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Momma's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys!

I know it has been FOREVER since I have posted......5 months to be exact. After purchasing our new computer lastnight I am inspired to blog again ; ), plus with a little encouragement from my dear friend Casey. These pics are of our last trip to Nana and Papa's house. Papa took the boys to get their first REAL cowboy hats and of course the package wouldn't have been complete without the rifles! The absolutely LOVE it at Nana and Papa's, though, they are quite rough on their house (Sorry Nana). I believe Brayden could be on the farm the rest of his days and be perfectly content. Sorry Papa, their is no denying he's your grandson!! They boys have wore their hats and chased each other and "deer hunted" in our house everyday since we have been home. I'm so outnumbered in this house, but so BLESSED to be!!