Thursday, November 5, 2009

FREEZE MISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found this costume at TJ Maxx on clearance today. I just couldn't resist!! I JUST LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM.......ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!!

My Little Goblins

Halloween was tons of fun this year!! Brayden was black spiderman and Bryson was a monkey. They were BOTH SO ADORABLE!! We celebrated early in the week at Brayden's preschool. There was a cute little program and a halloween party to follow. The night of Halloween we went trick-or-treating and got WAY TOO MUCH CANDY. Jimmy gladly took most of it to work to save our children's teeth and to save our patience from sugar overload ; ) !! I just love this time of year!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 was touring in Kansas City this past Sunday. My wonderful hubby got me a ticket to the show and shopping money for my birthday. I invited my best friend Amanda to come with me. The show was AMAZING!! Television doesn't do these dancers justice. I was so excited to see my favorite routines from the season performed. We had such great seats.......three rows off the stage. We felt like we could reach out and touch them. My entire trip was wonderful. We shopped til we dropped, ate at our favorite restaurants, watched SYTYCD, and enjoyed some much needed girl time. Even though it was only an overnight trip, we packed as much into it as we possibly could. I feel so blessed for these little get aways. I can't wait for Season 6 to start touring.......WE'RE THERE!!