Monday, February 16, 2009

I can eat Puffs Now!!

The other day I decided I would let Bryson try some of the "Puffs" for older babies. He only has two teeth, so I wasn't quite sure how he would do with them. I expected to have to put one in his mouth, then dig it out as fast as I could because he was choking on it. To my surprise......he picked it up himself with this finger and thumb, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed without hesitation. It was a bittersweet moment for me. I was so very proud of my big boy for his great fine motor skills and the fact that he knew to chew this new food. However, part of me wanted to rip the puff from his hand and demand he stay my sweet little baby forever. This growing up thing is happening far to fast for me. Look out world..........another Keirsey boy is on his way!!

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