Monday, February 16, 2009
"Daddy & Me" Night out
The other night Jimmy and Brayden participated in a Parents as Teachers event called "Daddy & Me". Parents as Teachers is a wonderful program for babies through preschool age children that gets the parents involved with activities to promote their overall development. We highly recommend it to all. This particular activity involved the kids and their Dads for a night full of games, sports, and crafts. Jimmy and Brayden had a great time!
I can eat Puffs Now!!
The other day I decided I would let Bryson try some of the "Puffs" for older babies. He only has two teeth, so I wasn't quite sure how he would do with them. I expected to have to put one in his mouth, then dig it out as fast as I could because he was choking on it. To my surprise......he picked it up himself with this finger and thumb, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed without hesitation. It was a bittersweet moment for me. I was so very proud of my big boy for his great fine motor skills and the fact that he knew to chew this new food. However, part of me wanted to rip the puff from his hand and demand he stay my sweet little baby forever. This growing up thing is happening far to fast for me. Look out world..........another Keirsey boy is on his way!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Company Dinner Party
This past Sunday, Jimmy's company treated the store employees and their spouses to a dinner at Logan's. They had beat the store record for most volume in a single day. We are so proud of you Jimmy for all your hard work! The boys had a great time, too. Brayden loves to eat at places where they allow you to throw things on the floor......imagine that. I even let Bryson sit in the highchair instead of his carseat for the first time. I know he's been quite capable for awhile, but I refuse to let him grow up any fast than I have to. Dinner was so yummy. They had the best fried shrimp I have ever had........ever. I know what I'll be eating for Valentine's
Playdate at Chik-Fil-a
This past Saturday we had a playdate at Chik-fil-a with a group of kids from Brayden's preschool. It was great to get to meet and visit with some of the parents and Brayden's classmates. We had such a great time that we were there almost two hours. Bryson even had fun. Hopefully this was just the first of many more playdates!!
Willy Wonka Play
My friend Sara treated Brayden and I to a Willy Wonka Play put on by a youth drama team in Pittsburgh Kansas. It was a great time! Brayden and I got to spend some much needed quality time together while Daddy got to spend and evening at home with Bryson. Brayden loved the play. He even stood up and started dancing while singing "Ompa Lumpa...............". Everyone thought it was adorable. After the play we all went to Chilis.......which just happens to be one of my favorite places to eat. I can not believe we do not have one here!! Thanks Sara, Brayden and I had a great night!!
My Manager of the Year!!
Every year Jimmy's company hosts and award banquet to recognize the achievements of its employees. We always look forward to it because it's a great getaway and the Chateau on the Lake is so nice. Jimmy's goal since he has became a manager was to win "Manager of the Year". This year.......he accomplished his goal. We are so proud of his hard work and success. Jimmy and his crew are all work and no play (if you only knew!) As you can see him and his assistant manager take things very After the dinner and the awards, everyone mingles and dances the night away. I snapped a photo of my parents taking advantage of the festivities. When we returned home, there was a chance of snow. It was BEAUTIFUL!! I had to take Bryson out to experience how fun it is to have snow fall on your face. Of course, he just wanted to eat
"Squeak"y Clean
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