Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Sicklings

The first week of 2009 has surrounded us with sickness. New Year's Day we had to take Brayden to the doctor. He had a double ear infection, tested positive for flu, and had pneumonia in his right lung. My son is "not cooperative" to say the least when it comes to taking medicine. Therefore, we got times! Especially when my 3 year old can kick like a seventh grader. We are so thankful that he is finally on the mend. However, we had to take Bryson to the doctor today because he had cold like symptoms and was wheezy. He tested positive for RSV. As you can see, we are giving him breathing treatments and trying to ride it out. Please keep my boys in your prayers!!

1 comment:

Shine On said...

LMAO! Not at your kids for being sick, but for the suppositories. LOL
Ava had to have them a couple of years ago and went to school telling her teacher that "her Mommy put something cold in her bottom and she didn't like it".
Thank God I worked with CPS at the time.
I swear. I would rather take her everyday to get a shot in the bottom...then and only then would she swallow her meds peacefully.