Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cabin Fever

Our family has all been sick with a nasty cold for the past few days. Unfortunately this caused us to miss a much anticipated camping trip to a cabin with my aunt and her family. We had already bought all the food and supplies we needed for the trip. Brayden was very disappointed, as were we that we could not go. After being stuck in this house for three days, we were all bored and stir crazy. We decided we didn't have to miss all the fun of camping even if we couldn't actually be there. We got out all our supplies we had bought to make s'mores and had a marshmellow roast and s'more making date in the middle of our living room. They were so yummy and Brayden had a blast. However, we believe he likes fire way more than he should. Thank goodness it's fire safety month at his preschool. Although Bryson slept through our s'more making event, he didn't miss all the fun. Mommy took him for a wild and crazy ride in the Lego wagon today. He loved every second of it!! We made the most of our evening at home!!

1 comment:

Shine On said...

These pics are too cute!