Saturday, August 2, 2008

Stop and smell the roses, ok....maybe ducks

We were all on our way home the other day from my "Mommy vacation" and Jimmy's "bootcamp with the boys" when we passed by a very pretty park in Bella Vista. We had been discussing all the events of Jimmy's time with the boys while we were driving, which to say the least was stressful. It would have been the most convinient thing to do to just by pass this park and hurry home to rest, but we are so glad we didn't. Yes, it was extremely hot and we were all exhausted, but as soon as we got to the water where all the ducks were.........everyones attitudes changed. We heard the waterfall, the breeze started blowing, and there were literally about 50 ducks, geese, and other types of the bird family that swarmed us. Just watching Brayden's excitement, expressions, and listening to how he was talking to all the ducks as he was feeding them made the stop so worth it. I guess it just goes to show that sometimes the best moments are the ones off the beaten path.

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