Saturday, August 2, 2008

Stop and smell the roses, ok....maybe ducks

We were all on our way home the other day from my "Mommy vacation" and Jimmy's "bootcamp with the boys" when we passed by a very pretty park in Bella Vista. We had been discussing all the events of Jimmy's time with the boys while we were driving, which to say the least was stressful. It would have been the most convinient thing to do to just by pass this park and hurry home to rest, but we are so glad we didn't. Yes, it was extremely hot and we were all exhausted, but as soon as we got to the water where all the ducks were.........everyones attitudes changed. We heard the waterfall, the breeze started blowing, and there were literally about 50 ducks, geese, and other types of the bird family that swarmed us. Just watching Brayden's excitement, expressions, and listening to how he was talking to all the ducks as he was feeding them made the stop so worth it. I guess it just goes to show that sometimes the best moments are the ones off the beaten path.

A Day at Nana and Papa's

A few weeks ago, me and the boys went visit Nana and Papa for the day. It was a really good time. Nana cooked two wonderful meals for us. She even had help snapping the green beans (see pics). Brayden always loves to help his Nana. Also,we went and watched all the trains while having snow cones. Brayden would have never left the trains if he had that option. Bryson just enjoyed getting good lovins all day long. Thanks for a great visit Nana and Papa!

It's Bumbo Time!!

I can't believe my baby Bryson is already 3 months old. It honestly seems like I just brought him home from the hospital. He fits into our family so well, it's hard to imagine when we were a family of three. He loves to smile. He has the most adorable dimples, just like his big brother. We just started using the Bumbo with him today. He loves it. I can't believe he can already support his neck. He is also a big fan of his thumb. When his paci seems to be no where in sight, the thumb is getting a workout. We love this little munchkin to pieces!! And yes, he is still sleepin through the night.........MY ANGEL!!