Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Plan B" was Better : )

We were so excited about this past weekend. We had plans to drop our babies off at their Nana and Papa's, go to Fayetteville for dinner with a group of our friends from High School, stay the night, go to the Hog game Saturday, dinner with friends that night, then home to Conway. Needless to say.....our plans changed, lol. Plan B.....Friday night was pizza and the Pointer football game (which the boys LOVED), Saturday we let the boys roast marshmellows at the "fire campin' " grill and we watched the Hogs at home. Sunday was church and lunch at a new Chinese place. Although I know we would have had fun in Fayetteville, the quality time we shared as a family was better than anything we could have done alone. Sometimes life's curve balls are the greatest gifts : ).

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ridin' in the Rock

I love my little cowboys!! Tonight they got all dressed up to go watch "Ridin' in the Rock" with their Nana and Papa. Ridin' in the Rock is a professional bullriding event held at the Arkansas State Fair in Little Rock. My hubby and I were able to enjoy a date night, so fun was had by all!! Thanks Nana and Papa for treating our boys to such a fun eventful night! I know they had a great time!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Papa's Boys say Go Hogs and Titans!!!

Papa is going to see the Razorbacks and the Titans in Texas this weekend. His little cowboys just wanted to wish his teams some extra luck!!! Have fun Papa, WOO PIG & GO TITANS!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time for Carving Pumpkins!!

Oh how we love this time of year!! Football, beautiful weather, fall colors, yummy food, pumpkins, and FAMILY!!! We had tons of fun with these little boys carving our jackolanterns today. Tomorrow fall decorations go up.....YAY!! IT'S FALL YA'LL!