Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Brayden!!

For Brayden's actual birthday, September 1, we decided to celebrate.....again, lol!! To start the day off, we took Brayden to get a donut at the bakery before school. At school, Brayden brought cupcakes for his class. We then went to lunch at Chik-Fil-A and let the kiddos play in their play area. After dinner that night, we took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese. Needless to say......Brayden had a great time. He was so tired that night that he actually fell asleep while I was reading to him. That was the first time he has ever fell asleep during a story. I stayed in there a while just watched my big boy sleep and thanking the Lord for blessing me with him!! I can't believe it's been four years since I brought him home from the hospital......what a journey it's been!

Brayden Celebrates the Big "4"

Brayden had a "Spongetastic" time celebrating his 4th birthday at Maccaroo Gyms surrounded by his friends and family! Thank you all so much for coming and making Brayden feel so special. I was so excited about his cake!! Tonia Fry did a FABULOUS job of decorating it and it tasted as great as it looked! The last picture I thought was ADORABLE!! The little girl in the picture is crazy about Brayden. They go to preschool together......isn't she a doll!! I have to say..........I think she has impeccable taste in men ; ) !