Monday, December 29, 2008

Bryson's First Christmas

This was Bryson's first Christmas, and my favorite Christmas yet! What more could anyone ask for that the two greatest gifts........Brayden and Bryson.

Santa Cookies

This is the first year we made cookies for Santa with Brayden. He had a blast!! There were just crumbs left on Christmas morning, so I'm sure Santa approved!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Weekend at Nana and Papa's

This past weekend we went to visit Nana and Papa!! Brayden was "Nana's Boy" the entire time and Papa was referred to as "The Baby Hog". As you can see, Bryson is hard It was a great time! I got to visit a close friend on Saturday while my boys were being spoiled at their grandparents house. Brayden is still talking about the train ride in Creekmore park!! We can't wait to see you again on Christmas Eve! Thanks for such a great weekend!

My Rockstars!!

My babies love to rock Brayden on the guitar, Bryson on the drums!!

Brayden's First Dentist Appointment

Brayden had his first ever dentist appointment last week. He did better than I expected. Dr. S was able to count his teeth (he has 20), clean them, floss them, and look for "candy bugs". As you can see in the second picture.......Brayden had a few "candy bugs". Mommy is definitely going to help Brayden more with brushing his teeth.........not a pleasant event around our house! Another exciting occurance.......since we are on a teeth subject.........Bryson got his first tooth on December 5th. He constantly sticks his tongue in the way every time I try to get a picture, but hopefully soon I will get one!