Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mmmmm.....tootsies, cereal, and Cubbies!!

I just thought this picture was too cute of Bryson eating his tootsies. We also had cereal for the first time. As you can see, he is already establishing his independence. He took the spoon right out of Mommy's hand and fed himself.....what a big boy!! He's growing up way too fast, so sad. Brayden's Daddy took him to his first Cubs game as part of his birthday present. His great grandma Donna, which is where our love for the Cubs all began, and his cousin Jordan went with them. They all had a great time. And..."CUBS WIN"!! Also, Brayden wanted to make his Papa proud by showing off his new Titan uniform. I think he's quite adorable. Pretty sure they will be scouting him soon!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Too Big Too Fast!!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I have posted. Shame on me (Sorry Casey!! hehe), I'll get better. We have had lots going on since August. Brayden has started a new Christian preschool which we absolutely ADORE!! He is doing so great there!! He also turned 3 on September 1!! We are in the process of potty training........wish me luck folks. If you notice in the picture with the birthday hat that Brayden is the proud owner of 2 black eyes and a bruised nose.......courtesy of a slide at Kangaroo Gym. He's doing much better now. Bryson.....or squeaks as we like to call him, is going fantastic. It breaks my heart that I'm losing my baby more and more every day. He is already trying to crawl when you put him on his tummy. He isn't the biggest fan of cereal, but we are working on it. You hardly see him without both hands in his mouth....such a cutie. These two boys are our world. We are so blessed.